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Terms & Conditions

The website (platform), the Rentaga mobile application and underlying IT systems (hereinafter also referred to as the “Rentaga Platform”) are owned and operated by Rentaga SRL, which is a limited liability company registered in Belgium, whose registered address is Avenue Louise 54, 1050, Brussels.

Rentaga SRL, has developed the Rentaga Platform in order to facilitate and provide an online 24/7 seamless rental service without any hassle with Real-time available machineries to a broad spectrum of industry personnel and organizations who require a variety of different light to heavy machinery / tools to complete their day-to-day or project related works while by bridging the customers with our suppliers/manufacturers/partners.

Both our terms & conditions and those of the Supplier/partners we work with contain some exclusions and limitations of liability. Acceptance of the services or signature on any agreement for using Rentaga Platform shall be deemed conclusive evidence of your acceptance of these terms. We may change the terms from time to time without intimation. You, as valued customer/user/partner, are advised to frequently check/visit Rentaga Platform with your account to consider any changes to the terms which apply to you.

The purpose of the present ‘Terms of Use’ is to set forth the terms, conditions and modalities under which Rentaga will provide access to the Rentaga Platform and said unique rental services to the individuals and companies and experts by registering and using the Rentaga Platform.

If there is any part that you, do not fully understand, or if you have a query about renting an equipment/tool or any other product, please contact us [email protected]

By registering on the Rentaga Platform, you (hereinafter also referred to as the “company” or the “expert”, as appropriate) agree that you have read and accept the present terms of use consisting of the Terms of Service, Data and Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy and Payment Terms set forth below and hereinafter jointly referred to as the “agreement” or “Terms of Use”

General Terms and Conditions and Terms of Service:

Registration and Usage:

When registering on and using the Rentaga Platform, you should:

  • Provide true, accurate and up-to-date information and data, including, as an expert, your Real-name, true, accurate and up-to-date information (such as which company/organization you belong to.
  • Update the data as soon as possible in case of any change thereof; accept that the Rentaga Platform is dedicated to companies or experts active in the industry with the exclusion of competitors of Rentaga and that no other (natural or legal) persons are allowed to register, except in case Rentaga has granted its prior, written and explicit consent.
  • should not create more than one account except / otherwise required from your organization on your behalf while complying with available industry standards.
  • should not create an account for any third party without her/his prior, explicit and written Consent.
  • Will create a secure password to use the Rentaga Platform and should not share it with any third party.
  • Will not log-in using the log-in data of third parties without her/his prior, explicit and written consent.
  • Will not use the Rentaga Platform in a way and will not post or upload on the Rentaga Platform any data, files or other content that might jeopardize the proper working, performance, appearance, availability, security and integrity of the Rentaga Platform and the underlying IT systems or your account or that of others, that contain viruses, Trojan horses, malicious codes, worms, spyware, malware and the like, that is or could reasonably considered to be harmful, discriminatory, obscene, indecent, hateful, racist, defamatory, harassing, offensive, threatening, misleading or otherwise inappropriate or unlawful, that constitutes a breach of privacy or data protection rights, intellectual or industrial property rights or any other rights of any third parties.
  • Will not post any advertisements or any other commercial messages without Machine Rental’s prior, explicit and written consent.
  • Will comply with the way of working of Rentaga as described on the Rentaga Platform.

In order to assess and/or optimize the performance, marketing and/or user experience of the Rentaga Platform and/or further develop the Rentaga Platform, your personal data or company data that is either publicly available online or elsewhere or made available by using the Rentaga Platform, through social media or otherwise, can also be collected by Rentaga Platform.

Processing Time required for Rentaga Orders:

Rentaga Platform is the brokerage and bridging service, we instantly confirm and communicate you order details with our partners/suppliers as those are placed, however Rentaga does not / cannot be held responsible for any delays, supplier side processing glitches.

Intellectual property rights:

  • The Rentaga Platform is protected by copyright owned by Rentaga SRL , Subject to your agreement and compliance with these Terms of Use, when registering on the Rentaga Platform, Rentaga grants you a personal, non-exclusive and worldwide license to use the Rentaga Platform for the duration of your registration on the Rentaga Platform.
  • You will not modify or in any way incorporate the Rentaga Platform or any part thereof in any other work, Content or website.
  • When you upload any data, files and other content on the Rentaga Platform or provide these to Rentaga in any other way, you thereby grant Rentaga a worldwide license to use, reproduce, translate, arrange and/or modify those for the purpose and duration of your registration and use of the Rentaga Platform and the performance of any other contacts and contractual agreements between you and Rentaga.

Warranties, disclaimers and liability:

  • The Rentaga Platform is provided “as is”. Rentaga does not provide any express or implied warranties regarding the Rentaga Platform and the use thereof, such as regarding the completeness, accuracy of the information, security and performance of the Rentaga Platform.

  • Our esteemed partners have different ordering Cut-off times which have been mentioned on the product details page so kindly consider this at the time of ordering.

  • Rentaga is entitled to take the Rentaga Platform wholly or partly off-line without any prior notice at any times and for any reasons, such as for maintenance purposes.

  • Any website of any third party to which a link is available on Rentaga Platform is not controlled or approved by Rentaga. Rentaga cannot be held liable for error or inappropriate or unlawful content on such website.
  • Rentaga is not liable for any error or shortcoming with respect to your registration or use of and the information available on the Rentaga Platform. In any case, including in case of serious error, Machine Rental’s liability, whether in contract or in tort, with respect to the Platform, Rentaga will never be liable for any damage to hardware or software, loss of income, loss of profits, lost savings, loss of data, missed opportunities, damage to reputation or moral damage.
  • Some of our esteemed partner(s) operate in different countries of Europe having weekends as non-working days while some consider weekends as working days, ex: Some partners weekends are excluded and some are not so the rental will be charged accordingly.
  • Some of our esteemed partners follow the public holidays as working days or vice versa so the rental will be charged accordingly.
  • Some of our partner's prices will be excluding of VAT, fuel and loss of keys.
  • Some partner insurance conditions include 8% of the rent invoice, deductible of 900 euro in case of damages and 10% of the catalog value in case of total loss, also the insurance including is deductible of 900 euro in case of damages and 10% of the catalog value in case of total loss.
  • Rentaga cannot be held responsible for any damage, loss or theft of machines and material rented through Rentaga Platform. The rental and hence liabilities is solely a matter between the Partners on Rentaga Platform and the customers.


This agreement is entered into for an indefinite period as from the moment of your registration on the Rentaga Platform. Rentaga may terminate this agreement at any time with a notice period of one (1) month. You may terminate this agreement at any time by deleting your account.
Rentaga is entitled to terminate the agreement with immediate effect, in case of breach of any obligations or inappropriate behavior.


  • If a customer is new to one of our Partners, the Partner may ask for a prepayment or downpayment from the customer.
  • Wherever applicable, all the prices available on the RT platform unit excludes VAT (for Business customers), transport, insurance, fuel and loss of keys penalties. For Private customers all prices are shown with VAT included. The applied VAT will follow the country's VAT where the actual rental takes place.
  • Rentaga reserves the right to at any time make any modifications to these Terms of Use via a notice on the Rentaga Platform or via e-mail or sms. You will be deemed to accept the modifications by using the Rentaga Platform or, in case you were not to use the Rentaga Platform, if you do not object thereto via e-mail (to [email protected]) within a period of one (1) month as from the date of the notice. If you do object to the modifications, Rentaga will be entitled to restrict, suspend, block or remove your account and/or your access to the Rentaga Platform or to your account. You agree to refer to the Rentaga Platform from time to time to verify whether such modifications have been made and such notice has been posted.
  • Rentaga is entitled to assign this agreement in whole or in part to any third party without your consent.
  • If any provision of these Terms of Use is held to be illegal or invalid, then this will not affect the legality or validity of the remaining provisions of these Terms of Use.
  • The VAT (Value-Added Tax) and Insurance will be charged on per item basis individually.
  • You (hereinafter also referred to as the “company” or the “expert”, as appropriate) acknowledge and agree that you will not establish any individual business relations after some supplier / partner / manufacturer introduced to you through RT Platform. Rentaga is entitled to terminate the agreement with immediate effect, in case of breach of any such obligations or inappropriate response from your side.
  • The Transport charges of the actual equipment may vary as per the items, quantity of items ordered and the location where the equipment is entitled to be shipped, however, the final confirmation of transport cost will be determined by our Partner(s)
  • The ‘Fractional’ pricing will be charged on the items as per the rental duration set by the user
  • The total cost may vary and will be based upon the location of the delivery i.e. in case of International Delivery
  • Rentaga Platform does not charge any amount at the time of booking an order, however, the actual order invoices are generated from our partners’ end
  • If you or Rentaga fail to give notice or enforce any right under these Terms of Use or delays in giving such notice or enforcing such right, such failure or delay will not constitute a waiver of that right.
  • Once you are logged in to Rentaga, you will be able to see the pricing and discounts accordingly.
  • If you have any special instructions related to your order, you can mention it on the checkout page by using “Contact Person on Delivery Site“ section. You can also add reference attachments in the same section related to your order.

Jurisdiction and applicable law:

  • Your registration and use of the Rentaga Platform and these Terms of Use are governed exclusively by the laws of Belgium, to the exclusion of any conflict-of-law rules which would cause the laws of another jurisdiction to apply.
  • Any dispute related to your registration or use of the Rentaga Platform or these Terms of Use will be adjudicated exclusively by the courts at the time of initiating the legal proceedings.